ENZO Building

This case study demonstrates our commitment to delivering tailored web solutions that meet our clients' specific needs and objectives, fostering collaboration and achieving impactful results.


Website Redesign

ENZO Building and Design, led by Ilija, approached us in 2024 for a website redesign to showcase their expanding portfolio of projects. We had originally developed their website back in 2015, and it was time for a fresh look that could effectively highlight their craftsmanship and unique design approach.

Enhanced Visual Identity

Our challenge was to update the website with a new visual identity that reflected Ilija’s aesthetic preferences. This included enhancing the existing greens and oranges in the color palette to better represent ENZO’s brand and craftsmanship.

Improved User Experience

We aimed to create a site map that would streamline navigation, making it easier for visitors to explore ENZO’s projects and services. This involved restructuring content and optimizing the user interface to enhance usability and engagement.


Collaborative Design Process

Working closely with Ilija, we initiated a collaborative design process to ensure the new website aligned with ENZO’s vision and goals. This included:

  • Updated Color Palette: We provided an updated color palette that enriched the greens and oranges, enhancing the visual appeal and brand consistency across the website.
  • Site Mapping: Developed a structured site map that organized content logically, improving user flow and accessibility to projects and service information.
  • Wireframes and Prototypes: Presented wireframes and color compositions for approval before proceeding with full-scale development. This ensured that Ilija was satisfied with the layout and visual direction of the website.
  • Responsive Design: Implemented a responsive design approach to ensure the website performed optimally across various devices and screen sizes, enhancing user experience and accessibility.


The collaboration resulted in a visually compelling and user-friendly website that effectively showcases ENZO Building and Design’s portfolio of projects. By integrating Ilija’s preferences and feedback throughout the design process, we successfully enhanced ENZO’s online presence and provided a platform that reflects their expertise and craftsmanship.

Client Since:
  • 2015
Our Services:
  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • UI/UX Design
About ENZO Building & Design
  • ENZO offers in-house design in order to streamline the process, from concept to completion. The process takes advantage of their design capabilities and understanding of code and construction to provide clients with the best product for their budget.
“I chose VN Creative based on a recommendation from a friend who had previously used their services. From our first meeting, they took the time to understand our budget, the look I wanted for my website, and the content and layout I envisioned.

After our discussion, Vicki presented several website options that perfectly fit within my budget and matched the layout we had discussed. What stood out to me the most was their attentiveness and understanding of my needs. They didn’t try to upsell me on anything outside my budget and were always quick to respond to questions and concerns.

VN Creative’s approach of listening to the client without pushing for unnecessary extras was refreshing. I highly recommend VN Creative because they prioritize the client’s perspective and deliver solutions that align with the client’s vision and budget.

The most important thing to know about working with VN Creative is that they genuinely listen to what you need and provide spot-on recommendations without going overboard.”

Ilija Trajkovski, President and CEO, ENZO Building and Design, LLC

Our Mission.

Create powerful ideas that allow our clients’ brands to become unique and irreplaceable through visual brand identities and digital design.

Let's Connect.

181 N. Church Road
Sparta, NJ 07871
(203) 981-4484

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